In order to figure out whether Luis or Isabella skates farther to get to school, we have to create a common denominator between the two fractions that represent the distance that each person walks.
The least common denominator of 3 and 4 is 12. This means that we have to change both fractions into equal fractions with denominators of 12.
To figure this out, we must set up a proportion.
2/3 = x/12
To solve this proportion, we must cross-multiply the fractions. We get:
24 = 3x
If we divide both sides by the coefficient of x which is 3, to get the variable x alone, we get:
x = 8
Therefore, 2/3 = 8/12, so Luis skates 8/12 mile from his home to school.
If we do the same process for the 2/4 mile to get to school for Isabella, we get 6/12, because both fractions are equal to 1/2.
Therefore, we know that Luis skates 8/12 mile to school and Isabella skates 6/12 mile to get to school. Because they have the same denominator, we can just compare the numerators. We know that 8 is greater than 6, thus Luis skates farther to get to school.
virus link above me
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Step-by-step explanation:
If we draw a perpendicular from point (6,2) on the line 6x - y = - 3, then we have to find the length of the perpendicular.
We know the formula of length of perpendicular from a point to the straight line ax + by + c = 0 is given by
Therefore, in our case the perpendicular distance is
units. (Answer)
no idea sorry!!
Step-by-step explanation:
i think its the third but not sure
In general, a mixed economy is "a combination of individual choice and government protection," although the balance tends to lean more towards individual choice.