chemical energy
During photosynthesis, “producers” like green plants, algae and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. Photosynthesis produces chemical energy in the form of glucose, a carbohydrate or sugar
Answer: Option C
These cells are soft because of its function. Gaseous exchange takes place by the help of these cells. Spongy mesophyll cells are covered by thin layer of water and are loosely packed.
This is because, during the day time when the plant is performing photosynthesis these cells allows the carbon dioxide into the mesophyll cells and the oxygen out of the plant body.
According to the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming, the source of a dream is neuronal firing in the lower brain stem. It is also known as the medulla oblongata or just medulla. It is essential in processes like blood pressure and heart rate. Also, it is responsible in a number of reflexes in the body or the involuntary actions like coughing, sneezing and vomiting. It is said to contain cells that would turn REM on and off. From recent research, it is the part of the brain that is the origin of the electrical impulses where dreams are results. It is connected to other parts of the brain which controls memory, movement, hearing and vision.
Answer: EDG
First, effortful processing is encoding that requires attention and conscious effort. This would be something like studying where you store facts in your mind for use later. Automatic processing on the other hand, is unconscious encoding of incidental information and of well-learned information. For example, I know what someone means immediately if they say it's noon. As for chunking, it is organizing items into familiar, manageable units. One perfect example would be my phone number. There are many different numbers, but its easier to manage when some are grouped together. Then there are mnemonics which are memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices. For example, I use the first letter technique (PEMDAS) to help me when solving math problems. Spaced or distributed practice is studying or processing with breaks to help understand concepts. For example, when I study, I take a five minute break every 20 minutes to help my brain cool down and be ready to learn more. Now, deep processing involves elaboration rehearsal which involves a more meaningful analysis. For example, giving meaning to different words or images and making them relatable.
Point B
lighted candle is placed in front of a plane mirror. ... The candle, which appears behind the mirror, is the image of the candle formed by the mirror. The candle itself is the object. And the image will form at the equidistant in the mirror.