Migration has been defined as spatial or geographic mobility involving a change of residence between clearly defined georgraphic and administrative areas. This study of internal migration involves several types of migratory moves: 1) rural to urban migration, 2) rural to rural migration, 3) urban to rural migration, 4) urban to urban migration, and 5) interregional migration. This paper reviews the sources of data on internal migration and discusses the methods which have been developed to measure internal migration in the attempt by social scientists to study the various aspects of the phenomenon. Internal migration information may be obtained through responses to direct migration questions in censuses and surveys or indirectly through the analysis of aspects of population data of component areas in successive censuses. The methods used in measuring internal migration are classified into 2 main types: direct and indirect methods. The direct measures are based on data from the following census topics: 1) places of birth, 2) duration of residence, 3) place of last residence, and 4) place of residence at a fixed prior date. The indirect methods of internal migration estimation are classified into 2 broad types: 1) the National Growth Rate Method, and 2) Residual Method comprising the Vital Statistics method and the Survivial Ratio method. The principle of the indirect method is that population increment between and 2 dates for any geographic area is the result of natural increase and net migration. In general, an internal migration rate is the number of internal migratory events divided by the population exposed to the possibility of internal migration. In practice, the population of a given area is used as the base for the calculation of in, out, and net migration rates for the area.
the land should be sold and the proceeds should be used to pay off the national debt.
C. Articles of Confederation
The correct answer would be, Denotation.
The literal definition of a word is also called its Denotation.
The primary meaning of the word is called as the Denotation. Denotation is not concerned about the feelings that the word produces, it is primarily concerned with the actual and literal meaning of the word.
Denotation can be defined as the dictionary meaning of a word. Connotation is a contrasting word with denotation, as connotation is concerned about the feeling of the word.
For example, if the word is 'Blue', the denotation for this word would be Color Blue, but at the same time, the connotation of this word is 'Sad'.
Learn more about Denotation at:
The most commonly held is the Bering Land Bridge Theory. This has been at the forefront for over 50 years. Basically, the idea is that during the last ice age, about 20,000 years ago (or a little less), lower water levels created a frozen bridge of land. The first settlers of the Americas are believed to have come across this land bridge called Beringia. This theory has dominated for a long time, but there are other ideas discussing what may have brought the people who developed into native cultures.
The first theory is the Atlantic Theory. The name kind of tells you that this is going to assume that people had to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Archeologists have found these specific, early spear points, originally found near Clovis, New Mexico. Being deemed Clovis Points, for a long time they were offered as evidence for the Land Bridge theory because similar points have been discovered in the area the around Beringia. It turns out, though, these spear points are very similar to points found in Europe, and the oldest example to be found in the Americas have actually been found in the Eastern U.S. This points to migration from Europe to the east of the Americas. This migration pattern would mean that the people who made these earliest spear points had to cross the Atlantic.