Unwanted pregnancy or std ( sexually transmitted disease <span />
The hydrolysis of triglycerides on a spirit blue agar plate most closely resembles that of beta hemolysis on a blood agar plate.
The hydrolysis of triglycerides on a spirit blue agar plate is used for identifying bacteria based on what organic compounds they can break down, in this case lipids. Spirit blue agar is a medium that contains a supply of lipids. If bacteria have lipase, the enzyme capable of breaking down lipids spirit blue agar will be digested and it will appear as a halos around colonies of bacteria that make lipase.
The ability of bacterial colonies to induce hemolysis (the breakage of red blood cells) when grown on blood agar is used to identify microorganisms. Beta hemolysis is a complete lysis of red blood cells and in the blood agar, that area under the colonies that do the hemolysis appears lightened and transparent.
Receptors are highly specific and only have high affinity for those ligands for whom they are specific.
Receptors are proteins that receive a stimulus or bind a ligand and mediate effects via receptor effector system.
Receptors are macromolecules that are highly specific.
The affinity between the ligand and the receptors is determind by the disassociation constant Kd.
The receptors produce maximun effect when an appropriate specific stimulus is present.
Different recptors types are present for different ligands.
For example, muscrinic receptors are specific for acetycholine and adrenergic receptors are specific for adrenaline/nor adrenaline.
It is important to know the specificity so that the body remains in a state of balance.