Cleaning up a system helps clear up the space on the drives. It may also clear up processor usage, ram usage if you uninstall programs that automatically started when the system booted. You may also delete some unwanted programs in the process.
Answer:the answer would be this serious when anonimous came to the world or rather when anonymity came
The most important events of all the Internet was when anonomous arrived and began to reveal secrets and things against the United States government
The kind of software to use is a protocol analyser.
The Protocol analyser, which could either be a hardware or a software is a tool that is used for capturing and analysing signals and also interpreting network traffic over a communication channel or between two or more connected computer systems
Protocol analysers can be used to find out location of problems on Local Area Network by examining flow of traffic.
1. Do not copyright
2. Nothing illegal
3.Do not put personal info