a) 25%
b) 27.5 g
c) 90%
a) 75% fat-free by weight means 25% of the weight is made by fat.
b) 110 g ___ 100%
x ___ 25%
x = 27.5g
Each hot dog has 27.5g of fat.
c) 9 cal ___ 1 g fat
y ___ 27.5 g fat
y = 247.5 cal
275 cal ___ 100%
247.5 cal ___ z
z = 90%
90 % of the calories come from fat.
Molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
There’s a particular way of writing what’s in a molecule called a chemical formula. The chemical formulae for all the elements that form each molecule and uses a small number to the bottom right of an element’s symbol to stand for the number of atoms of that element. For example, the chemical formula for water is H 2 O.
What do you think causes some rock types to have higher densities than others? (Assuming there are no air pockets in the rock, the types of minerals will determine the density. Granite contains lots of quartz and feldspar - both fairly light minerals, whereas basalt and gabbro are made of heavier minerals.)