Citizens can have an initiative which can put your law on the ballot to be voted on which in the end with enough signatures or votes your law may become true and realized as a real law.
The Chinese Room Argument was first published in a paper in 1980 by American philosopher John Searle (1932- ). It is a thought experiment in which <span>Searle imagines himself alone in a room following a computer program for responding to Chinese characters slipped under the door. </span><span>
Searle argues that the Chinese room thought experiment shows that n</span><span>o digital computer will ever be able to think.</span>
"Issuance" is supplying or distributing something, especially for official reasons. An interim report is an example of an official document. An extremely important, relevant quality to issuing a document is "time" -- so you know you're submitting everything you need to within a deadline.</span>