What does mandatory mean in this question? Do you mean entitlements? Like health care, like social security, like education? Or do you mean defense?
All of them have increased because either the Democrats or Republicans want them. No one is willing to give up anything. Added to this is the interest on the debt, which has also gone up.
The National Assembly was created amidst the turmoil of the Estates-General that Louis XVI called in 1789 to deal with the looming economic crisis in France. ... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was vitally important to the French Revolution because it directly challenged the authority of Louis XVI.
US fire administration
In 1974, Congress approved the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act to bring an end to the losses incurred by the fire. U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Fire Academy (NFA) were created under this act. Many actions were taken to save lives and property from destruction. The act has helped in the reduction of deaths caused by fire and prevention of property.
>Voting in an election
>contacting our elected officials
Mauritius is the richest African nation and generally one of the best countries to live in Africa