They both focus on the physical features of an area.
Map making has been around for hundreds of years now, and maps made are very helpful in locating our intended destination. The main feature of maps; used in ancient and modern map making, to help us better pinpoint and locate a certain location is that they both focus on physical features of the area surrounding the location.
Social force
Social factors are an important influence on consumer behavior. Social forces refer to groups of people impacting in other groups behavior and desiring to buy some particular kind of items.
In this particular example, the book Fifty Shades of Grey had a huge success especially among women, so this gender group had an influence among other women and the ones who hadn't read the book did it and then it would be a frenzy for female-targeted romances packaged for the mainstream reader.
This would be an example of how a group (social force) impacts the marketing environment.
Answer:B) can make a difference even for victims of torture-if the person feels he or she has some control, he or she tends to be less affected by the stressor over the long term.
The feeling of control over any situation makes a person not feel like a victim at all times because they feel convinced that they can only be a victim of they think they are a victim but they have the power to not think like that and not feel like that. One can defy the odds through being in control and overpowering what ever situation that might have affected them as long as they know they have control over it.
correct option is B. Primer residue
correct answer is Primer residue because primer residue are form from the ignition of the chemicals in primer when the firearm is discharge
and the result in formation of microscopic particle that is blown out of various opening in weapon when this weapon is discharge
and this primer residue is deposit on hand as firing weapon and hand weapon
but in the absence of primer residue on hand it is consistent with individual not have fire
so correct option is B. Primer residue