Air-sea exchange is a physio-chemical process and is important for the cycling of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, dimethylsulfide and ammonia
The plant belongs to the group Angiosperm. Vascular plants with seeds could be cycads, Gingko, conifers, or angiosperms. Among those groups, only angiosperms have flowers.
The plant they found have colored, scented flowers which suggests that it could be pollinated by insects or birds. Colored flowers attract birds and insects. Color serves as a guiding mark. Talking of scent, it does not attract bird, but attracts insects. It also serves as the guiding mark.
sorry i dont know the answer
To clearly view the morphology of the prokaryotes, one needs a microscope with higher resolution i.e magnification of ×100. Use of oil for this purpose is important because it reduces the refraction of light as it travels from air to glass. this process increases the resolution of the microscope making it possible to view morphology of bacteria.
Option (1), (3) and (5).
Positive feedback mechanism also exist in the environment that increases the causative effect of the environment. The environment can change the temperature, precipitation and other climatic conditions of the area.
The lack of moisture in Sahara desert and deforestation can cause the trees extinction. The temperature can be increased by the green house gases as the warm atmosphere causes evaporation. The snow gets melted due to increase in temperature and the ground becomes more darker.
Thus, the correct answer is option (1), (3) and (5).