A practical benefit of Content curation is that it requires little in the way of resources
Content curation is the skill of assembling analogous, related topic and presenting it in an organized manner. It does not developing original content but collecting the related and relevant content from various resources and specifying in a sequential and well-designed that suits the taste and preferences of the online viewers.
Videos, articles and website which we often book ark are types of content curation which we do without exactly knowing it in depth. Curated content differs drastically from content creation. Curation is gathering selective content to increase the search engine optimization and content creation is developing original content without any aspect of plagiarism in it.
A. Ability to work individually
B, C, and D were good things in supporting student council members.
Answer: Tool Kit
Explanation: Ann Swidler, a sociologist came up with the idea that people use a tool kit consisting of symbols, stories, rituals, and world views to create a plan of action for solving problems. This is how culture shapes our behavior and not through values. The way we draw on this tool kit varies during settled and unsettled cultural periods.
During settled cultural periods, culture arms individuals with several resources such as those in this tool kit. In unsettled cultural periods, action is determined by the available resources as well as defined values.