8. A boat, cars, airplanes
9. It's safer to practice techniques on life sized models of human organs than practicing on an actual human. If you mess up on a model it doesn't matter, messing up on a human can put their life at risk.
The ability of the molecule to pack more tightly increases the melting point.
In hydrocarbons of same molecular formula, melting point is determined by:
- weak intermolecular forces
- Molecular symmetry
Higher the intermolecular forces and molecular symmetry, higher will be the melting point.
Intermolecular forces in hydrocarbons decreases with branching. Moreover, branching interfere the tight packing of the molecule in the crystal. Therefore, branched hydrocarbons tend to have lower melting point.
However, in highly branched hydrocarbons molecular symmetry increases which results in tight packing of the molecule in the crystal.
So, highly tight packed molecules tend to have high melting point.
As (CH3)2CHC(CH3)3 is highly branched and has high molecular symmetry, therefore, its melting point is highest among given.
So, among the given, option c is correct.
Magma hot spot.
Hot spots stay always the same location because they are in the mantle, not in the crust. So, that's why hotspots stay while plates are moving over them.
a. Calcium
Strontium and Calcium are both in the same group, Group 2.