I don’t have an explanation for why it is called this, because really the name of it is in its definition. The two words this sentence describes are cybercrime and computer crime. They are both the same thing.
Byte Short Int Long
Byte's 8 bit, short's 16, int's 32, and long's 65.
El RV promedio en hombres es 1.2 L y para las mujeres es 1.1 L.
12g + 9g simplified is 21g
Answer: DMZ
DMZ is the demilitarized zone network and it is use in providing he various services to the users or customers by using the public internet. It basically contain organizational services in the logical and physical sub-network and usually works in large network.
The main purpose of DMZ that it is use as web server over the internet for reaching to the users and customers. It also add one additional layer in the organization for security purpose.
Some of the services that DMZ provides as web server, DNS and proxy server.