Rollerblading would increase his cardiorespiratory health
The answer to the question: Introspection was the structuralists´ research method of choice. However, it was criticized by non-structuralists and ultimately fell by the wayside. Which of the following is not a reason that introspection was criticized? Would be, A: Introspectionism involved the study of conciousness.
The school of Structuralism in psychology was first started by Edward B. Titchener, a student of Wilhelm Wundt, considered to be the founder of psychology as the science that studied human behavior and mental processes. This school used as its most important tool the technique of introspection, which aimed at discovering the basic components of human thought and human conciousness, to understand the whole. This school, particularly due to the technique of introspection, was highly criticized by other schools of psychology that emerged later on, especially because of its inadequacy to actually explain human behavior, since it was highly reliant on subjective perceptions of a stimulus. What they were NOT criticized for, though, was for being a school that studied human conciousness, because this was precisely what they did; they studied human conciousness through the use of introspection.
I would say 1,2,&4 because bones cant protect organs from bacteria or sunlight.
At 20 weeks, a female fetus has a fully developed reproductive system, replete with six to seven million eggs
~Hope this helps