Two things that can be deduced by this finding would be that the location was most likely a very muddy area with lots of clay minerals, as well as having lots of crustal movements. This is because slate is created when crustal movement buries clay minerals and other materials in the crust of the Earth. This is later melted and squeezed together from the sheer heat that is applied being so far underground. Therefore, creating what we now know as Slate.
Because the medal rod is a conductor and will electricity goes straight through it and will hit you with lightning
Different atoms absorb and emit specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and nothing in between. These absorption and emission spectra are actually used to identify atoms of elements in a substance. This phenomenon is explained by Bohr's theory of quantized energy levels in an atom – called orbital levels. When an electron 'jumps' from a lower to higher orbital level, it absorbs a specific wavelength of electromagnetic radiation specific to the ‘jump’. Vice versa, when an electron 'jumps' to a lower orbital level is emits an equivalent and specific wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
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Reactants disappear while the Products appear
Explanation:Even though violet waves have the shortest wavelength of the visible light spectrum, they carry the most energy.