Actually, a detective should be taking notes, while an officer should be finding the suspect. So the answer is- false.
Answer: D
Explanation: the other options are all more democratic ideas.
No, on the contrary, I am totally against the granting of extraordinary powers to any political leader, whatever the issue. On the contrary, I think that every government official must have limited powers, controlled by the other branches of government. In this way, they will not be able to exceed their prerogatives, affecting the freedoms and rights of citizens.
The decisions taken by the executive agencies of the United States government determine the course of actions in the matter over which they have jurisdiction.
Thus, for example, the Federal Communications Commission is in charge of regulating matters concerning communications and transmission of information in the national territory, through radio, television, etc. It is even in charge of censoring certain sources of communication that are considered dangerous to the interests of society or national security.
Therefore, their decisions have a direct impact on individuals and groups outside the federal government, since, for example, in the event of censorship of a communication medium, said information presented by the medium in question will not reach individuals. Thus, these are protected from distorted, false or dangerous information, taking care of the normal development of the life of society.