Using the knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that reads a list of words.
<h3>Writting the code in JAVA:</h3>
<em>import java.util.*;</em>
<em>//class name LabClass</em>
<em>public class LabClass{</em>
<em> //function getFrequencyOfWord with array wordList, ListSize and currWord as parameter</em>
<em> public static int getFrequencyOfWord(String[] wordsList, int ListSize, String currWord){</em>
<em> int frequency = 0;</em>
<em> //for loop for iteration </em>
<em> for(int i=0; i<ListSize; i++){</em>
<em> //if current word matches with words present in list</em>
<em> //then increase the frequency by 1</em>
<em> if(wordsList[i].compareTo(currWord)==0){</em>
<em> frequency++;</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> //return frequency at last </em>
<em> return frequency;</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> //main function </em>
<em> public static void main(String[] args) {</em>
<em> //creating object of Scanner class </em>
<em> Scanner sc = new Scanner(;</em>
<em> int size;</em>
<em> //asking user to input size of list </em>
<em> System.out.println("Enter the size of list :");</em>
<em> size = sc.nextInt();</em>
<em> //creating array of same size as user input size</em>
<em> String[] wordList = new String[size];</em>
<em> sc.nextLine();</em>
<em> //asking user to input array elements </em>
<em> System.out.println("Enter list elements one by one :");</em>
<em> for(int i =0; i<size; i++)</em>
<em> {</em>
<em> wordList[i] = sc.nextLine();</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> System.out.print("\n");</em>
<em> sc.close();</em>
<em> //calling function getFrequencyOfWord in every iteration by passing</em>
<em> //required arguments to it </em>
<em> for(int i=0; i<size; i++)</em>
<em> {</em>
<em> String currWord = wordList[i];</em>
<em> int count = getFrequencyOfWord(wordList, size, currWord);</em>
<em> //printing result </em>
<em> System.err.println(currWord + " : " + count);</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> }</em>
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