Proteins are made from amino acids.
DNA contains the code for building proteins.
"Proteins" are made of<em> small organic molecules</em> called<em> "amino acids." </em>These are its building blocks and it helps make the protein in its linear chains.
Proteins are not readily used by the body for energy, instead the body readily uses carbohydrates for energy.
Proteins do not contain the code for building DNA, rather, the DNA contains the code for building proteins. These codes are like DNA instructions which are converted into an<em> "RNA message."</em> This message is then translated in order to produce protein.
<span>By using FITT principles, my cousin’s goal for his cardiovascular system and fitness levels will be achieve for an improvement will be observe. Running three times per week and gradually increasing to five times a week for cardio-vascular fitness is very effective after three months. Moreover, these changes will be monitor with heart rate monitor and a weighing scale.</span>
Tolerance allows the body to work in normal (healthy) values under different environmental conditions. It is associated with the principle of homeostasis.
<h3>Homeostasis and tolerance</h3>
Homeostasis refers to the state of internal equilibrium in which the body can function normally.
In homeostasis, the body is able to tolerate a broad range of conditions (e.g., different temperatures).
In healthy conditions, the body is able to perform all metabolic functions (e.g., reproduction, growth, repair, etc).
Learn more about homeostasis here: