The object has an overall positive charge.
Precipitation hope this helped you
726 torr
Generally, atmospheric pressure can be measured using a manometer which is in form of a U-shaped tube. In addition, 1 mm Hg is equivalent to 1 torr. Therefore, 752 torr is equivalent to 752 mm Hg. Therefore, the total pressure will be equivalent to the atmospheric pressure (mm Hg) + the mercury height.
In this case, the mercury height = -26 mm
The helium pressure = 752 - 26 = 726 mm Hg
This is also equivalent to 726 torr
Answer: The IUPAC name of is 5-chloro-2-pentyne
1. First select the longest possible carbon chain. For the number of carbon atom, we add prefix as 'meth' for 1, 'eth' for 2, 'prop' for 3, 'but' for 4, 'pent' for 5, 'hex' for 6, 'sept' for 7, 'oct' for 8, 'nona' for 9 and 'deca' for 10.
2. The longest possible carbon chain should contain all the bonds and functional groups.
3. The numbering is done in such a way that the carbon containing the functional group or substituent gets the lowest number. Triple bond is given priority over substituent halogen.
4. The naming of alkane is done by adding the suffix -ane, alkene by adding the suffix -ene, alkyne.
Thus the IUPAC name of is 5-chloro-2-pentyne