Out of the choices given, igniting the gas-air mixture supplies the heat for the hot reservoir in a car's engine. The correct answer is C.
One of the main function of the kidney is to maintain the homeostasis of sodium and potassium ions in the blood and body.
Aldosterone is a key steroid hormone that balances sodium and potassium ions in the blood and body fluid. Potassium and sodium ions generate electric impulse in the body which helps to perform different activities such as muscles flexing.
Kidney function for reabsorption and secretion, in which reabsorption of Na is done nd balances the sodium and potassium in the blood and body.
for v vs t graph for t=9 to 11,v=15kmph
similarly v2=0,v3=60kmph&v4= -40kmph
The periodic table illustrate some of the elements from Hydrogen to Calcium
Given the exoticism of the orange fruit, you could be forgiven that the color came first as it naturally occurs independent of the fruit such as in sunsets or leaves in autumn. Orange actually comes from the Old French word for the citrus fruit - 'pomme d'orenge' - according to the Collins dictionary.