Tiger frogs have similarities in their mitochondrial DNA that are not shared by other frog species
En la fotofosforilación acíclica, cuando los pigmentos (clorofila) y las moléculas de agua son alcanzados por fotones (partículas de luz), existe liberación de electrones.Se llama cíclica porque los electrones son re-utilizados por la clorofila. Es una forma alternativa de producción de ATP.
The conclusion that cuckolder are able to discriminate kin from non kin
From the above question, researchers carried out tests on the two types of fish (males cuckolder and parental males) to see if they can identify kin and non kin from the offsprings, using a null test.
But the test for cuckolder was rejected by the researchers for the cuckolder so they can't say cuckolder can indentify between kins and non kins, they didn't pass the test so it should be concluded that cuckolder can't identify between kin and non kin, instead of concluding they can identify them, that is the wrong conclusion.
I am fairly sure the answer is B