H2se is a ionic bond which requires higher energy to change into a gas, while h2s is a covalent bond requiring less energy
The correct option is C.
Finance charge on credit card refers to the interest you pay for borrowing money when you are using a credit card. It is the interest you are charged on the debts you owe and sometimes it might include other charges such as penalty fees for late payment. Individual finance charge is usually calculated using the the person APR [Annual Percentage Rate], amount of debt owe and the time period been considered. The higher your debts, the higher your finance charge.
It is a I’m think I’m pretty sure
1. The dye that absorbs at 530 nm.
The dye will absorb light to promote the transition of an electron from the HOMO to the LUMO orbital.
The higher the gap, the higher the energy of transition. The energy can be calculated by E = hc/λ, in which h and c are constants and λ is the wavelength.
The equation shows that the higher the energy, the higher the gap and the lower the wavelength.
Therefore, the dye with absorption at 530 nm has the higher HOMO-LUMO gap.