A repeated-measures design
This is a research design that is used to measure the same variables repeatedly on the same sample or subject over a given time frame or over different time periods and/or under various conditions.
About 50 percent of all new cases of STIs worldwide occur in people under the age of 26. This is normally caused by; having unprotected sex, tattooing/drugs, sharing of needles used for piercing, becoming sexually active at a young age, having multiple numbers of partners, and previously having acquired an STI.
I think the area is wait is there supposed to be a pic?
D - 15Days
In accordance with the claim forms provision, an insured individual should receive the required claimed forms within 15 days after notice of claim has been submitted by the insured.
This is meant to protect the insured individual from delays caused by the insurance company.
If the insurance company does not oblige and provide the insured with claim forms in time, the individual can satisfy the proof of loss requirements with his own documentary evidence.