Answer: C. it's a good time to buy the wood.
$500 = 738NZ dollars, therefore 738 NZ dollar ÷ $500 = 1.476NZ dollar
The current exchange rate is $1 = 1.476NZ dollar
10 foot slab costs $5000, Tee Golf Resort will pay $ 3387.53 ($5000/1.476NZ)
if they import wood from New Zealand. Tee Golf Resort will pay less than $5000 if they import Wood from New Zealand at the current exchange rate. This is a Good time for them to import woods
Please find attached full question Answera and Explanation:
Risk posture or cybersecurity posture is the general status or overall defense of the cybersecurity program in place in an organization to guard against cyber attacks and data breaches. For a company to maintain reasonable cyber security posture as there is no fool proof cybersecurity posture, there is need for regular continuous assessment of risk exposures and potential loopholes across the company's digital infrastructure. There are different digital and sophisticated infrastructures utilized by am organizations and most if not all are well prone to cyber attacks. These infrastructures are used by employees for work e. g-email, went servers, phones, networking devices and cloud programs etc . Therefore each employee must be educated in the need to safeguard company data by looking out for traps set by cyber attackers such as phishing in email and many other loopholes. Vulnerability tests need to be performed at regular intervals and reports monitored and analyzed to protect against a potential source of cyber attack.

The more complex the task the more difficult it is to reach goals. People are more likely to achieve goals when tasks are easier. Simplifying tasks can help goal setting.
Think of a machine. You put something in. This is the input. The conversion process is whatever goes on inside the machine. Let's say that the machine will spray paint a vase you put into it. The vase is the input. The spray painting is the conversion process. What comes out of the machine, or the result, is the output. In our example it would be the painted vase.
The conversion process changes the input into the output.
For example, think of a function, or a table. Let's say that we have the rule, +1. Let's say our input is 1. The conversion process is +1. This makes 1 become the output of two.
I hope this helps!
why do you even care about doing your homework i donk care about school thats why i have all fs