A beat is an interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different frequencies, perceived as a periodic variation in volume whose rate is the difference of the two frequencies. Frequency beat is equal to,

The reference frequency in our case would be 392Hz, and since there is the possibility of the upper and lower range for the amount of beats per second that the two possible frequencies are heard would be

Therefore the two possible frequencies the piano wire is vibrating at, would be 396Hz and 388Hz
22.5 J
x = 3 m

The spring potential energy

F = 2 * 30 / 5 = 12 N to stop forward motion
F = 2 * 40 / 5 = 16 N to accelerate to 90 degrees
(12^2 + 16^2)^1.2 = 20 N average force applied
The corresponding magnetic field is
From the question we are told that
The electric field amplitude is 
Generally the magnetic field amplitude is mathematically represented as

Where c is the speed of light with a constant value


Since 1 T is equivalent to 


height above which the rock is thrown up, 
initial velocity of projection, 
let the gravity on the other planet be g'
The time taken by the rock to reach the top height on the exoplanet:
final velocity at the top height = 0 
(-ve sign to indicate that acceleration acts opposite to the velocity)

The time taken by the rock to reach the top height on the earth:

Height reached by the rock above the point of throwing on the exoplanet:

final velocity at the top height = 0 

Height reached by the rock above the point of throwing on the earth:

The time taken by the rock to fall from the highest point to the ground on the exoplanet:
(during falling it falls below the cliff)
initial velocity= 0 

Similarly on earth:

Now the required time difference: