The changes in the single base or nucleotide in the nucleotide sequence and thus changing its complementary base also it is called as point mutations, while when there are insertions or deletions of more than one base pair in the nucleotide sequence it is known as frameshift mutations.
Mitosis - Asexual, diploid, 1, 2, during the synthesis phase.
Meiosis- sexual, haploid, 2, 4, during the synthesis phase.
I i used to treat infections caused by bacteria. And also ear, skin ad throat infections
B. Water purification programs
The goal of hygiene promotion is to help people to understand and develop good hygiene practices, so as to prevent disease and promote positive attitudes towards cleanliness.
Hygiene promotion encompasses a systematic attempt to adequately promote personal, domestic, environmental and food hygiene practices that prevent or mitigate the transmission of diseases. Water purification programs is among the government programs that encourages hygiene practices.