Using an electronic signature on official documentation best illustrates the process of authentication
Further explanation:
The continuous rise of Electronic signatures has made it easier for people to accept signed documents by email or through electronic devices. One good example of electronic signatures is the implementation of digital signatures which broadly encompasses many types of electronic signatures out there. Digital signatures are unique to each signer and follow a standard authentication protocol called PKI. PKI use mathematical algorithms to generate what are known as private and public keys.
A good example is Bob and Jane. Jane sends an eSignature document using her private keys. Bob receives this document with an attached copy of Jane’s public key. The signature will be considered valid if the public key decrypts the signature correctly.
Learn more about eSignatures and electronic signatures.
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Three characteristics of an ideal encrytion scheme are:
1. The encryption sheme should be strong: the algorithm is imprevious to direct attack and attempts are derived.
2. The encryption scheme should create unique ciphertext from the same plaintext for each key permutation, among other traits.
3. It should take at least millions of years to break ideal encryption scheme, based on mathematical predictions.
The user must specify the programming language he or she wants to use.