2-the Legislature elects the President
displacement-hidden cost
There is a supported notion that crime do not simply disappear, but it relocates after any prevention initiative or police patrols are beefed-up. In this case instead of eliminating the crime, displacement-hidden cost would occur, as the individuals committing the crime will clearly move from the area of preventive focus to another area where there are no crime prevention measures yet.
A. they are a source of calcium
Merton developed the concept of ‘anomie’ to describe this imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalised means. He argued that such an imbalanced society produces anomie – there is a strain or tension between the goals and means which produce unsatisfied aspirations.
Merton argued that when individuals are faced with a gap between their goals (usually finances/money related) and their current status, strain occurs. When faced with strain, people have five ways to adapt:
1. Conformity: pursing cultural goals through socially approved means.
2. Innovation: using socially unapproved or unconventional means to obtain culturally approved goals. Example: dealing drugs or stealing to achieve financial security.
3. Ritualism: using the same socially approved means to achieve less elusive goals (more modest and humble).
4. Retreatism: to reject both the cultural goals and the means to obtain it, then find a way to escape it.
5. Rebellion: to reject the cultural goals and means, then work to replace them.