Salt domes storage has advantages in cost, security, environmental risk, and maintenance. Salt formations offer the lowest cost, most environmentally secure way to store crude oil for long periods of time. Stockpiling oil in artificially-created caverns deep within the rock-hard salt costs historically about $3.50 per barrel in capital costs. Storing oil in above ground tanks, by comparison, can cost $15 to $18 per barrel - or at least five times the expense. Also, because the salt caverns are 2,000-4,000 feet below the surface, geologic pressures will sea; any crack that develops in the salt formation, assuring that no crude oil leaks from the cavern. An added benefit is the natural temperature differential between the top of the caverns and the bottom - a distance of around 2,000 feet; the temperature differential keeps the crude oil continuously circulating in the caverns, giving the oil a consistent quality.
So platinum is a transition metal. In general transition metals are reducers, which means they can give the electrons they have, to the sodium atoms. Also in chemistry we look at sub orbitals rather that shells(2,8,8). So due to the energy from heat, the d orbital split as electrons move to a higher energy level. Some of the electrons are given to the sodium ions and therefore the flame changes colour to yellow.
The excitation of the electrons is caused by them getting energy and so moving up an energy level. This energy is released and the electron returns to it's original state. The energy released, however, does not release in the same direction, but in different/various directions. Therefore the colour of the light changes as some energy is released in the surrounding.
I dont understand , what u write