Throwing them away.
You don't throw sardines, you eat them!
Plant cells have what is perhaps the most complex outer coverings. Plant cell walls are made largely of cellulose which forms strong, highly rigid, almost indigestible coverings that protect the cell and gives it shape.
If the population follows a logistic growth curve, the graph of P vs t will look like the diagram below.
The rate of growth (P') increases slowly at first, then increases rapidly from 2 to 4, and then slows down, but always P > 0.
The graph has an inflection point at (3, 1000). That's the point at which the rate of growth starts slowing down.
When t < 3, P'' > 0.
When t = 3, P'' = 0.
When t > 3, P'' < 0, because the rate of population growth is slowing down.
Thus, if the population is in the final phase of logistic growth, the population is increasing at a decreasing rate (TRUE)..
They both contain nucleus.