According to recent studies, depression has been shown to decrease somewhat in people that undertook a diet including high volumes of seafood on a regular basis as opposed to those who did not go on a diet
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
الملكية هي النظام السياسي السائد في شبه الجزيرة العربية. النظام السياسي في شبه الجزيرة العربية يقوم على أساس الملك الذي اتخذ كل قرارات البلاد. سيتم اختيار الملك القادم من أبناء الملك الحالي. لا يوجد مفهوم للديمقراطية في شبه الجزيرة العربية. الملك الحالي هو سلمان بن عبد العزيز ، والملك القادم سيكون محمد بن سلمان.
Why was the crime committed the way it was and at the time it was
At the start of an investigation, the investigator should ask these three questions;
(1) what did the guilty person have to know or possess to commit this crime, (2) what did the guilty person do to commit this crime, and
(3) Why was the crime committed the way it was and at the time it was
answering these questions will most likely lead to a successful investigation.
Answer: atonement is accomplish through
1. the blood of sprinkling Leviticus14-16, 17 vs 11, Romans 3 vs 25
2. Through sacrifice Numbers 15vs 22-29
3. Through forgiveness of sin
and redemption by Christ Jesus Isaiah 53 vs 5-6, 1 John 2 vs 2, John 3 vs 16
Explanation: atonement is cleansing from sin. It is also called propitiation. It is the way or methods in which man makes restitution for his sins and Alo forgiveness from sin. In the old testament of the Bible, atonement is done mainly by the sacrifice of bulls, goat,sheep e.t.c when one sins or commit and ungodly act or sin unintentionally. It is also done via the sprinkling of the blood of bulls, goats on the people or object that is unclean and ceremonial washing before they can be fully clean and also forgiven.
In the new testament, Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins. He atone for the sin of mankind by coming into the world and dying for our sins and reconciling us back to God. We therefore through Christ ultimate death and resurrection can now come boldly before the throne of Grace and ask for forgiveness for our sin and God in his loving kindness is willing and ready to forgive us our sin. Atonement requires the sheding of blood. In the old testament, bulls and goat was she'd but God said it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to save and He gave His only son to die for our sin.