Energy of reactants is higher than the products , I am not sure through
See Explanation ( = same answer for earlier question)
The Arrhenius acid-base theory defines an acid as a compound which when added into water increases the hydronium ion (H₃O⁺) concentration and the base as a compound which when added into water increases the hydroxide (OH⁻) ion concentration. As such, an acid-base reaction is limited to proton transfer to only OH⁻ ions forming water. Such would imply that all acid-base reactions produce water only in addition to a salt. This is not always the case as conjugate base anions for many substances can receive proton transfer.
Example: The reaction HOAc + NaCN => HCN + OAc- will occur in aqueous media because the proton (H⁺) on acetic acid (HOAc) will transfer to the cyanate ion forming hydrocyanic acid (HCN). Such occurs because the CN⁻ ion is a stronger conjugate base than the acetate ion (OAc⁻) and forms the more stable weak acid. Such is the basis of the Bronsted-Lowry Acid-Base system and states that an acid (proton donor) will transfer its ionizable hydrogen to a conjugate base (proton acceptor) if the transfer forms a weaker acid.
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the answer equals to 29000
Answer:All the above
Non-ideal solutions are those solutions which do not obey Raoult's law in any conditions.
The molecular interactions of two components that is solute and solvent are different.
If there are two components A and B then the molecular interaction between A-A,B-B would be different from the molecular interactions in A-B .
The enthalpy of mixing and volume of mixing for non-ideal solutions have non zero values.
Enthalpy of mixing can be negative or positive in case of non-ideal solutions. If the enthalpy of mixing is negative so energy has been released upon mixing the two components and if enthalpy of mixing is positive then energy is absorbed upon mixing the two components.
Non-ideal solutions are simply those solutions which are not ideal hence they should not be having the characterstics of ideal solutions.
For ideal solutions the molecular interactions between the two components are equal.
So the molecular interaction between A-A,B-B would be equal to the molecular interaction between A-B. Also the enthalpy of mixing and volume of mixing for ideal solutions are zero hence all the statements provided here are correctly charactersing non-ideal solutions.