C. Beats
When waves are interfering with each other, the sound is louder in some places and softer in others. As a result, we hear pulses or beats in the sound.
. Methylated spirits have ethanol as a base but may include methyl alcohol (methanol) as part of the denaturing process.
The power for circular shaft is 7.315 hp and tubular shaft is 6.667 hp
<u>Polar moment of Inertia</u>
= 0.14374 in 4
<u>Maximum sustainable torque on the solid circular shaft</u>
= 3658.836
= lb.ft
= 304.9 lb.ft
<u>Maximum sustainable torque on the tubular shaft</u>
= 3334.8
= lb.ft
= 277.9 lb.ft
<u>Maximum sustainable power in the solid circular shaft</u>
= 4023.061 lb. ft/s
= hp
= 7.315 hp
<u>Maximum sustainable power in the tubular shaft</u>
= 3666.804 lb.ft /s
= hp
= 6.667 hp
The quantity of matter in a body regardless of its volume or of any forces acting on it.