First amendment. The amendment that basically guarantees us the right to you think freely and express ours view from other gives us the ability to reason rather than fear
Nature and Nurture
Both Trevor and Bill have undergone similar treatment in their childhood; while Trevor took it as positive to redeem himself Bill remained in the quagmire of negativity, never forgot the abuses against him and decided to pay back in the same coin. It was the nature of Trevor that allowed him to challenge the problem by nurturing himself towards a better life. Trevor learnt a lesson out of abuses inflicted upon him that he would help those underwent similar treatment. It was Bill's nature upon which childhood abuses helped nurture even more vices. While Trevor continued to recall the abuses meted out to him for the betterment, Bill liked to forget it via drugs and idleness. While nature and nurture transformed Trevor to be a better person, it put Bill in the worse condition.
If you show me the document I would be able to know but I can work it out for you if it was written by your teacher or you used the internet that means it’s a secondary source but if it was written at the exact date the assassination of Abraham Lincoln happened that means it is a primary source. Hope this helps
3/4 vote
all constitutional agreements is some sort of vote before it can amend it has to have a 3/4 vote by the judicial branch
Providing unemployment benefits
Structural Unemployment arises from industrial reorganization, usually due to technological transition, and not supply or demand changes. It is a form of involuntary unemployment caused by a mismatch between the skills that workers in the economy can offer, and the skills demanded of workers by employers.
Unemployment benefits are designed to provide temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers who are unemployed without any fault of their own. It is money that some people receive from the state when they do not have a job and are unable to find one.
Providing unemployment benefits aids in reducing the stress in unemployment.