The average death rate for this type of event is closest to 350 people per event.
Between the years 2048 and 2057
Is 10 years. Since there is only one chance of event between these years, there is no point to consider it.
The total number of events = 2940 chances.
average death rate per event = total number of dead people divided by total number of events of occurrence.
1000000/2940 = 340.134
The average death rate for this type of event is therefore closest to 350 people per event
Blood cell : Eukaryotic cell
Bacteria : Prokaryotic cell.
If you go to high you’ll run out of oxygen and possibly be blown off due to high winds.
Wee can use here kinematics
as we know that

for shorter tree we know that

now since we know that other tree is twice high
So height of other tree is y = 39.2 m
now again by above equation

so the time taken is 2.83 s