That will depend on the units of the 3.0. We need to know if it's 3 feet, 3 yards, 3 meters, or 3 miles. Each one will have a different answer.
Main sequence stars are characterised by the source of their energy.They are all undergoing fusion of hydrogen into helium within their cores. The mass of the star is the main element for such process or phenomenon to take place for it is a determinant of both the rate at which they perform the said activity and the amount of fuel available.
To answer the question, the lower mass limit for a main sequence star is about 0.08. If the mass of a main sequence star is lower than the above-mentioned value, there would be a deficit or insufficiency of gravitational force to generate a standard temperature for hydrogen core fusion to take place and the underdeveloped star would form into a brown dwarf instead.
Sunday, July 20, marked 45 years since the United States put the first two astronauts safely on the moon. The cost for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs was more than $25 billion at the time more like $110 billion in today’s world. The ensuing U.S. space efforts have cost an additional $196 billion for the shuttle and $50 billion for the space station. NASA’s total inflation-adjusted costs have been more than $900 billion since its creation in 1958 through 2014 (more than $16 billion per year). Looking back, have we gotten our money’s worth from the investment?
An example in which liquid pressure phenomena can be used in daily life is in Water blasting
Water blasting refers application of pressurized water to remove materials from the surface of objects.
There are different varieties of water blasting, including;
Hydrocleaning; Cleaning enabled by the use of high pressure water
Hydrodemolition; Demolition or removal of concrete using pressurized water
Hydrojetting; The spraying of water under pressure on surfaces in order to remove surface contaminants.