Distinguish the difference between physical change or chemical change.
Should be C.
Nothing, he shouldn’t be able to move it. Think about it like this say you try really hard to push something that is 5,000 pounds and you push as hard as you can. Well you can’t move it bc it weighs more than you can push. I’m sure their is a equation you can use to see how much you can push (body weight=force?)
Removing seed casings from grains is SEPARATING. a soda bubble bubbling when it is opened is MIXING. a bright copper statue turning green is MIXING. remove salt from seawater is SEPARATING. water decomposing is SEPARATING.
conditioning-the process of associating a stimulus with a good or bad outcome.
trial-and-error learning-the process of performing a behavior more and more skillfully.
insight learning-the process of using prior knowledge to solve a problem.
imprinting-a bond to an indivisual or object shortly after birth or hatching.
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