This startle reflex (aka moro reflex) is/was present in us as newborns.
It's triggered when there's an unexpected reaction. Example: Loud noise, sudden movement.
The baby will tighten his/her body, fling out arms, sort of like giving him/herself a hug. It happens because the baby is trying to protect itself from harm.
It normally leaves thanks to the mother's care, normally 6 weeks after the newborn is born.
PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is a condition in which the ovaries have multiple follicles that do not ovulate to release an egg due to hormonal disturbances. it is a common cause of infertility.
Because the stomach is lined by a mucous membrane (the gastric mucosa)
pretty sure you are wrong fella , the answer is actually c) high winds lol your welcome
A) 95 Kr
The process by which a large nucleus split into two smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission and occurs after the nucleus has absorbed a neutron that is a product of the radioactive decay of another atom. The formed fission fragments are unstable and extremely radioactive.