The value when 34 is divided by 5323 is 0.00639.
<h3>What is division?</h3>
It should be noted that division simply means the opposite of multiplication. It represents the way numbers are combined in order to make new numbers.
The steps include:
1: Take the dividend's first digit starting from the left in step one. Verify if this digit exceeds or is equal to the divisor.
2. Next, divide it by the divisor, and write the result as the quotient on top.
3. Subtract the outcome from the digit, and then put the difference below.
4: Decrease the dividend's subsequent digit (if present).
5: Carry out Step 4 again.
In this case, 34 divided 5323 will be 0.00639. It should be noted that this illustrates a decimal.
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So to answer this question all you need is the definition of a reflection
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35 1/12 gallons of gasoline
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so what you're going to do is take both of the fractions (3/4 and 1/3) and convert them into two fractions with the same denominator so you can add them easily. the closest number that you can convert them to would be a denominator of 12, so we would turn 3/4 into its equivalent of 9/12 and 1/3 would now be 4/12. now we add them and get 13/12, which is an improper fraction, so we would change that to 1 and 1/12. and finally, we add 1 1/12 + 1 + 33 and we would get 35 and 1/12 as our final answer :)
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