The answer would be b., individualism. Femininity is obviously out the picture and decentralization means "The transfer of authority from central to local government. and collectivism is "<span>the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it." And since the statement says " teacher will recognize MY efforts!" and not OUR efforts, then it isn't collectivism.</span>
<span>The reason that the balloon will stick to the wall is because the negative charges in the balloon will make the electrons in the wall move to the other side of their atoms and this leaves the surface of the wall positively charged.</span>
The plant grows in the solid part of earth, the lithosphere. When water evaporates from the plant, it enters the hydrosphere, the portion if earth on kand and in the air that contains water. The atmosphere is part of the hydrosphere.
The Compton Shift
in wavelength when the photons are scattered is given by the following equation:
is a constant whose value is given by
, being
the Planck constant,
the mass of the electron and
the speed of light in vacuum.
the angle between incident phhoton and the scatered photon.
We are told the maximum Compton shift in wavelength occurs when a photon isscattered through
Now, let's find the angle that will produce a fourth of this maximum value found in (3):
If we want
must be equal to 1:
This is the scattering angle that will produce