The first option, collapsed in on itself.
The star's core mass becomes so dense that the resulting gravity implodes the star.
Interesting enough, the third option is kindof true too...some large and tenacious black holes that absorb other stars will form incredibly bright accretion disks around their perimeter before filling absorbing the star.
Grass, deer, wolf, fungi.
The tropical level of an organism is defined as the position of organism occupied in the food chain. The food chain is starts from tropical level one which is primary producers (such as plants), then move to herbivores (such as deer) in level two, carnivores, (such as wolf) at level three, apex predators in level four (such as lions), and it ends in decomposers such as fungi.
Fungi play important role in ecosystem to help in breakdown of dead organic matter and return nutrients to the soil. Without fungi nutrients cannot cycle in an ecosystem, and causing the breakdown of entire food web.
While the number nuclear protons as given is 34, and therefore we deal with the element selenium, there are 2 more electrons than protons, and therefore this species has an overall
We represent this selenide ion as
. Do I win 5 pounds?
Z= 34, therefore the atom is selenium