1. Upper body stretch
2. Knee-to-chest pose
3. Light jogging or walking
Postnatal care ?? If it is mother and baby. Hope this helps a bit :)
Balance is the ability to control your body's position, whether stationary (i.e. a complex yoga pose) or while moving (e.g. skiing). Balance is a key component of fitness, along with strength, endurance, and flexibility. There are various ways to perform balance exercises.
The whole purpose of recovery in exercise is to allow your muscles to repair themselves and to engage muscles that are sore from your workout. There are also different things that you can do during the recovery stage to help move the process along and come out ready to perform better than your pre-rest stage
Taking this as indicative of baseline levels, step-based translations of public health recommendations suggest that US adults should be taking 8,900 to 9,900 steps/day on 5 days of the week for example, at least 3,000 of which should meet moderate intensity and bout requirements.