I am not all understood but for the school to earn money you can:
--a raffle
-- yard sale
-- class photo
-- origami for sale or something
-- buffet or food sale (example all Friday ice cream sale, 2 livre ice cream)
a) K2[Ni(CN)4]
b) Na3[Ru(NH3)2(CO3)2]
c) Pt(NH3)2Cl2
Coordination compounds are named in accordance with IUPAC nomenclature.
According to this nomenclature, negative ligands end with the suffix ''ato'' while neutral ligands have no special ending.
The ions written outside the coordination sphere are counter ions. Given the names of the coordination compounds as written in the question, their formulas are provided above.
Energy is the ability to change the state of bringing about a work leading to movement or generating electromagnetic radiation. There are actually many forms of energy. So, kinetic energy is a form of energy related to the movement of a body. The combustion, in turn, retrieves the potential energy chemical contained in fuels. Solar panels capture light energy to transform it into electrical energy.