The answer is 4. A 25-year-old with a sucking chest wound.
The injured person who must be transported to the hospital in the first instance is the 25-year-old young patient with a chest wound due to suction; since his life, despite being at risk, can be saved. Priority is not given to the 20-year-old, since he does not respond and has a great spinal cord injury, as it is quite chaotic and poor prognosis.
3 joint association system circulatory system are platelets, pulmonary, systemic system because males & females have a 4 chambered heart system
malnutrition stems from 3rd world countries that can not produce sustainable foods such as corn, beans, rice, which all require rain & moisture. In africa, rain is scarce. In turn, crops dont grow or thrive under these conditions.
The heart is located in the upper pulmonary system between the lungs where it can gather the necessary O2 to continue life of patient. in turn, the associated cells can transport O2 throughout all the cells in the body of all mammals.
weight of the heart in male; is 289.6
weight for females is 285.1.
reason being size difference in the 2 sexes...
The cross section is the right answer
Andy gained muscle, so his shirt was tight in the arms most likely