The human services field requires special education and training as this professional approach is focused on providing assistance to individuals, families and communities. It is not a secret that the growing number of human problems faced by individuals in modern society requires adequate response. According to researchers, “a growing number of people feel alienated and isolated from their neighborhoods and communities”(Woodside & McClam, 2014, p.7). Human services is aimed at providing individuals and groups of individuals sufficient support and assistance to allow them to help themselves (Neukrug, 2012). Human services helper encourages clients to be self-confident and independent in order to gain control of their lives as soon as possible. Helpers use the proper strategies to assist their clients gain belief in themselves.
It's Ethical...
Mexico is a separate state as well as has it's own laws that holds the use of chemicals to be use or not as well. The use of chemical that is banned by United States can be openly used in Mexico (aside it will yield very less profit). The SuperMed must give quality assurances to the Mexican government as well as other possible side effects and then may be the approval process gets finished. The FDA approval isn't concerned in this particular case.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Or Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength