The final pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume change and directly proportional to temperature


Multiply both sides by T1

Divide both sides by V1

This can be rewritten as:

In the above expression; k is a constant of proportionality.
So, the equation can be written as variation as follows:

To interpret:
<em>P varies directly to T (the numerator) and inversely to V (the denominator).</em>
Average atomic mass of an element is a sum of the product of the isotope mass and its relative abundance.
For example: Chlorine has 2 isotopes with the following abundances
Cl(35): Atomic mass = 34.9688 amu; Abundance = 75.78%
Cl(37): Atomic mass = 36.9659 amu; Abundance = 24.22 %
Average atomic mass of Cl = 34.9688(0.7578) + 36.9659(0.2422) =
= 26.4993 + 8.9531 = 35.4524 amu
Thus, the term “ average atomic mass “ is a <u>weighted</u> average so it is calculated differently from a normal average
11.8.4 Distillation Columns
Distillation columns present a hazard in that they contain large inventories of flammable boiling liquid, usually under pressure. There are a number of situations which may lead to loss of containment of this liquid.
The conditions of operation of the equipment associated with the distillation column, particularly the reboiler and bottoms pump, are severe, so that failure is more probable.
The reduction of hazard in distillation columns by the limitation of inventory has been discussed above. A distillation column has a large input of heat at the reboiler and a large output at the condenser. If cooling at the condenser is lost, the column may suffer overpressure. It is necessary to protect against this by higher pressure design, relief valves, or HIPS. On the other hand, loss of steam at the reboiler can cause underpressure in the column. On columns operating at or near atmospheric pressure, full vacuum design, vacuum breakers, or inert gas injection is needed for protection. Deposition of flammable materials on packing surfaces has led to many fires on opening of distillation column for maintenance.
Another hazard is overpressure due to heat radiation from fire. Again pressure relief devices are required to provide protection.
The protection of distillation columns is one of the topics treated in detail in codes for pressure relief such as APIRP 521. Likewise, it is one of the principal applications of trip systems.
Another quite different hazard in a distillation column is the ingress of water. The rapid expansion of the water as it flashes to steam can create very damaging overpressures.
In an atom there would be three subatomic particles: Neutrons, electrons, protons. The smallest and lightest in terms of mass is electrons. This is because the nucleus is comprised of the protons and the neutrons, these have a greater mass than electrons as electrons has very little mass that can considered to be 0.