Lava is at the center of the earth witth lava
A. A majority of scientists agreed with it
The famous theory called the theory of common descent, states that all the living organisms of the earth have arisen from a common ancestor. This notion was first proposed by a French mathematician,Louis Maupertuis duirng 1740s who was of the view that all organisms had a single ancestor and evolutionary process with the passage of time resulted in the specie diversification.
After that, in 1790s another philosopher Immanuel Kant, suggested that all organisms seem to have a common ancestor. In the same period of 1790s, another scientist , Erasmus Darwin who was the grandfather of Charles Darwin also suggested that all the organisms might have a single ancestor who went through the process of evolution to bring all the majesty into life.
Charles Darwin was the first scientist who worked on this notion for alot of time and proposed the theory of common descent,in his book, On the Origin of Species.
After it, many scientists got agree with this theory such as, Vernon Kellogg in 1907 and T. Ryan Gregory in 2008 and many others explain that no reliable observations exists which contradicts the theory of common descent.
Therefore, option A is the best option.
Hope it helps!
<h2>No,</h2><h2>Phenotypic Ratio: 1 Chestnut : 2 Palomino : 1 Dilute</h2>
As given:
The chestnut (dark brown) allele and a diluting (pale cream) alleles show incomplete dominance, means that both the alleles in heterozygous condition show their effect. So the heterozygous show the phenotype which is intermediate of both the parents, here a horse heterozygous for these two alleles is a palomino.
There is in fact, no particular allele present for palomino, this phenotype only results due to having two different alleles for a gene. So, palominos can never be pure-breeding because they can never be homozygous.
Let P1 chestnut and P2 dilute,
Palomino is P1P2
The Punnett’s Square for palomino mated to palomino:
P1P2× P1P2
Gametes are: parent-1 P1 and P2 , parent-2: P
1 and P2
Progeny are: P1P1, P1P
2, P
P1, P2
Genotypic Ratio: 1 P1P
1 : 2 P1P
2 : 1 P2P
Phenotypic Ratio: 1 Chestnut : 2 Palomino : 1 Dilute
About 5billion years ago is the correct option.
Hope this will help you :)