Reaction is producing more reactants than products
trans-1,3-pentadiene is more stable than 1,4-pentadiene due to presence of a conjugated double bond.
H(hydrogenated pdt.) is same for both 1,4-pentadiene and 1,3-pentadiene as they both produce pentane after hydrogenation
H(diene) depends on stability of diene.
More stable a diene, lesser will be it's H(diene) value (more neagtive).
trans-1,3-pentadiene is more stable than 1,4-pentadiene due to presence of a conjugated double bond.
is higher (less negative) for trans-1,3-pentadiene
Answer: Bacterial species where observed Typical number on cell Distribution on cell surface
Escherichia coli (common pili or Type 1 fimbriae) 100-200 uniform
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 100-200 uniform
Streptococcus pyogenes (fimbriae plus the M-protein) ? uniform
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10-20 polar
Pili are structures that extend from the surface of some bacterial cells.
These are hollow, non-helical, filamentous appendages.
Hope it helps you
Number 4 is
-Oxidation occurs at the anode, while reduction occurs at the cathode. Recharging a battery involves the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy. During recharging, there is movement of electrons from an external power source to the anode, and on the other side electrons are removed from the cathode.
Reptiles, marsupials, dogs, and cats