Answer: been formed not too long ago from the volcanic experience
Basalt is a an extrusive igneous rock formed from instant cooling of lava which is rich in magnesium and iron and was exposed close to the surface of a moon. Most volcano are rocks are basalt
The observation of a dark-colored basalt rock means been formed not too long ago from the volcanic experience.
B - a smooth rock, some red dirt, and an empty bird's nest
Aibiotic items are things that are non-living parts of the envrionment. Of the options B is the only one that fully contains non-living items.
I hope Biden wins even if he's not a good person like trump he's still a better choice
1778-1825) William McIntosh was a controversial chief of the Lower Creeks in early-nineteenth-century Georgia. His general support of the United States and its efforts to obtain cessions of Creek territory alienated him from many Creeks who opposed white encroachment on indianland.
B) presidential; president