Raymond should compress the files, and then at the very least ask what would be the appropriate time to email the attachment. It is important to practice good etiquette when using email. If you are sending an email that has attachments, always make sure to mention it in the body of the email. Raymond should also ZIP or compress his large attachments before sending them. This will make them easier to send.
An operating system (OS) is a software which is responsible for the management of computer hardware, software, and also provides common services for computer programs.
Operating System is pivotal in teaching and learning because:
1. It enables computer programs to run smoothly on various computer devices.
2. The Operating System gives teachers the opportunity to install learning apps on their devices for ease of teaching.
3. It enables students to download and install learning applications, download and upload assignments, etc.
4. The Operating System makes video conferencing for online tuition easy and smooth.
5. It makes computer users to interact with other applications and softwares within a device.
Operating systems are found on many computer devices e.g: mobile phones, video games, PCs, supercomputers, etc.
A deque waitingLine is created.Then Jack is added to front of the deque first.After that Rudy is added to the front of the deque.AFter that Larry and sam are inserted at the back.So the last item inserted at the front is front of the deque.So Rudy was the last item inserted at the front.
Hence we conclude that the answer is Rudy.
inject, update
Dependency injection is a concept in object-oriented programming that links or transfers the functionality of an independent class to a dependent class.
Assuming two classes, Vehicle and Bus are created, the Bus class inherits from the Vehicle. The Bus class is dependent on the Vehicle class and its instances create instances of the Vehicle object.
It is easier and faster to update the Bus class and other classes that inherit from the Vehicle class by updating only the Vehicle class.